Monday 22 June 2020

Latest Artworks by Rachel Hancock

This month I was so fortunate to incorporate one of the best photographers I know into my art.

Lucie Robinson is an international photographer and we have been following each other on Instagram for a while. She gave me permission to use one of her photographs of herself for my art. 

Lucie is loves the ocean and she is such a magnificent beauty. I felt the need to have her placed in a Botticelli-like shell. I am so happy that she liked the end result. She shared this on her Instagram stories and dubbed me the ‘Princess of Weird’. She’s correct, surrealism is weird and I love my new title.

Lucie, by Rachel Hancock @retrogoddesses, 2020
Lucie, by Rachel Hancock, 2020

Here’s some of my other artworks from the last few weeks.

Birdy, by Rachel Hancock @retrogoddesses, 2020
Birdy, art by Rachel Hancock, 2020

Grind, by Rachel Hancock @retrogoddesses, 2020
Grind, art by Rachel Hancock, 2020

Desert Rose, by Rachel @retrogoddesses, 2020
Desert Rose, art by Rachel Hancock, 2020

Road to Nowhere, by Rachel Hancock @retrogoddesses, 2020
Road to Nowhere, art by Rachel Hancock, 2020